Eco Friendly Printer

51 Green Printing Tips

Tip #10 - Are You Buying Environmentally Sound Business Cards?

by Greg Barber

That seems like a crazy question to many people who think they are printing environmentally. Now, take your business cards and check them out.

To be environmental, you should be using paper that is high in Post-Consumer Waste. 100% PCW is the best.

You should be using paper that is Processed Chlorine Free. Only 100% PCW paper can be 100% PCF.

The inks should be 100% non toxic toner for digital runs, and soy or vegetable based inks for offset runs. I would like you to use an environmental printing plant. FSC certified is preferable. You could ask if the printing plant is Green E certified. Do they use renewable energy, like Wind Power, or BioGas? Ask the plant to tell you the name of the paper. Not all papers are equal, environmentally.

Need to check with me? Call me at 973 224 1132. If I am busy, you can leave a message. I check emails 24/7.

Now, if you are afraid of the price, don't worry. We have a summer special through the end of September. Here are the details:

QTY: 500
Price: $45
Stock: 100% PCW
Bleaching: 100% Processed Chlorine Free
Green E: Yes
Inks: 100% non toxic toner
Paper name: Options PC 100, or Environment PC 100.
Timing: 7 days after approved files.