Eco Friendly Printer


We are asked a lot to provide environmental emblems for our clients to use on their printing orders. I am compiling examples of what a few clients have done.

Some use the recycled emblem, the chlorine free emblem and the soy ink or 100% non toxic toner emblems and put them to the left of the copy.

Others like to just print the fact that the paper is 100% post-consumer waste recycled and 100% processed chlorine free.

Some include: printed environmentally: Obviously, we like that.

Some want the FSC emblem, and the Green E emblem, and the Carbon Neutral emblems.

Some use our rock paper that reduces the plastic in the rival poly labels by 80%.
I am sure a tag line to state that we are reducing plastic by 80% is appropriate to add
on your printing.

So, you can email me at and I will email the various tag lines to you.

Greg Barber