Eco Friendly Printer

51 Green Printing Tips

Tip #9 - What To Look For When Selecting A “green” Print Vendor?

by Greg Barber

Here are the questions you should ask:

1. Is the printer FSC certified? That will narrow your search. It takes a lot to be certified.

2. Does the printer stock Environmental paper, and if yes, what grades?If the house stock includes 100% post-consumer waste recycled, that isa strong indication of being environmental.

3. Does the printer use Soy Based or Vegetable Based Inks?

4. Does the printer use 100% non toxic toner for digital?

5. Ask the printer to show you jobs where the FSC emblem was added.

6. Ask the printer iF they are Carbon Neutral. Ask them if they know what that means.

7. Ask the printer if they are Green E certified. That certifies the plants use Wind, Solaror BioGas energy.

If you are not sure of their answers, please consider sending them to me. I am happy to help you pick the right environmental printer for your next job.