Eco Friendly Printer

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our site. If you have any questions, please call Greg Barber directly at 973 224 1132, or toll free at 888 836 6516.

If you have an emergency job, the best way to reach me is to first email me. I look at emails 24/7. Then, call my cell phone. 973 224 1132.

If you have an estimate and files for my firms to look at, go back to the home page, and click Get A Timely Quote. You will be transferred to my Greg Barber Company site, and linked directly to my personal email.

My Greg Barber site is listed in the top 2-3 sites for the keywords, Environmental Printing, on Google, for the past 8 years. We are also  featured in several books for  sustainable printing jobs we did  for the clients listed below.

One of the books is " Print and Production Finishes For Sustainable Design", published by RotoVision in London, and their book is now sold online through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. We are featured on 20 pages of their 190 page book.

The following accounts signed releases so they could be published in the books, and they serve as my best recommendations of our work.

These accounts include:

Green Apple Cleaners, The U.N, Feed LLC, Diesel, Green Drinks, Landfill,  Mohawk Paper, Gaia Soil, Nepalese, Jurlique Cosmetics, Brian Ponto Design,  and many smaller entrepreneurs.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I am now in my 20th year promoting "OUR" environment.

Greg Barber
GBC & Partners
973 224 1132

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